Does Masturbation Cause Acne

Does Masturbation Cause Acne?

Dr. Mujahid Jammel

Dr. Mujahid Jammel

August 19th, 2024

Masturbation will cause acne, which is not a fact but a myth. Masturbation has a lot of misconceptions, and it is one of those that arise due to a lack of long-term research on masturbation. This blog post explains from where this myth originated the link between acne and masturbation; if not masturbation, then what else could cause acne and other myths that are said to be caused by masturbation? 

Does Masturbation Cause Acne? 

Masturbation will cause acne is a myth. Here’s the explanation of it

In both males and females, when they attain puberty (The time when kids turn into young adults physically and emotionally). During this time, the hormones from brain cells act as messengers and tell the testicles in males to produce the hormones testosterone and sperm. In women, the hormones tell the ovaries to make the hormone estrogen and the growth process of eggs. 

Other types of physical changes in the body are caused by puberty hormones that come from the adrenal glands. These gland hormones help in the growth of underarm hair, body hair, body odor, and acne. Also, when there is an overproduction of sebum (an oily substance that protects our skin), acne may develop.

As you can see, acne is formed due to the hormones of the adrenal glands and the overproduction of sebum. These two factors do not link to masturbation. This scientific process in our body clearly explains that both acne breakout and masturbation do not link to each other.

Note: This states that your face will break acne at whatever age you are and does not depend on how many times you masturbate or have other sexual activity.

Why did this myth, “Masturbation causes acne”, arise?

Both the acne breakout and sexual feeling starts to develop and arise in the puberty period. So, The older generation used this myth as a tactic to prevent young adults from involving in any sexual activity.  In reality, both occur at the same time, but the one is not caused by the other. 

Do Birth Control pills help in treating acne?

Yes, women and girls are prescribed these methods of using Birth control pills for treating acne, and they also work well. Most doctors prescribe birth control pills to treat acne after the failure of treatments like topical creams and oral antibiotics. Healthy women should do this only. 

Birth control pills contain estrogen and progesterone that help in reducing the amount of androgens in the body. As a result of lower androgens, the production of sebum decreases, which helps reduce acne breakouts.

If Not Masturbation, Then What Else Could Cause Acne and Pimples?

Masturbation does not cause acne. But various reasons really cause acne and pimples on the legs, butt, neck, forehead and back. They include,

  • The use of oily cosmetics and hair products
  • Regular rubbing of skin 
  • Humidity and excess sweating
  • Excess consumption of foods that contain refined sugars and dairy products
  • Too much bacteria on the skin
  • Dead skin cells

How Can You Treat Acne?

There are various treatments for acne. The first step is to identify the stage of acne, and in most cases, over-the-counter medications like oral antibiotics, lotions, gels, and soaps are prescribed. Lotions, gels, and soaps that contain Salicylic acid and Benzoyl peroxide are especially prescribed for acne.

Also, if bacteria in the skin cause acne, then. Skin doctors may prescribe antibiotics like benzoyl peroxide and products that contain clindamycin and erythromycin to treat the clogged pores.

What else could masturbation cause?

Masturbation does not cause any harmful problems to our body and mind until it turns into addiction. When someone gets addicted to masturbation, they try to skip work and classes, always be alone and miss public events. The primary thing that is caused by masturbation is guilt.

But overall, masturbation has a number of benefits that include,

  • Better sleep
  • Stress relief
  • Boost mood
  • Enjoy pleasure
  • Regular ejaculation lowers the risk of prostate cancer
  • Better sex

Like Acne Other Myths About Masturbation

There are various things to be said that are caused by masturbation, like acne. But they are all myths and not proven by any scientific research. They are

  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Low testosterone
  • Peyronie’s disease (Penile Curvature)
  • Buried Penis
  • Penis Shrinkage
  • Physically weak
  • Blindness
  • Lack of hair growth on palms


Acne breakouts are not related to masturbation. It is a myth that arises from our older generation to prevent the younger generation from involving in any sexual activity during their young adulthood. If you have guilt about masturbating and feel some other problem got to you due to masturbation, visit the healthcare provider, as there are a lot of myths revolving around masturbation.

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