Positive and Negative Effects of Masturbation To The Brain

What Are The Positive And Negative Effects of Masturbation To The Brain?

Dr. Mujahid Jammel

Dr. Mujahid Jammel

September 17th, 2024

Masturbation is a natural sexual activity done by both men and women, Which is still considered taboo. In this digital era, studies have begun to explore masturbation, providing detailed reports on its positive and negative effects on various aspects, both physical and psychological, including its impact on memory. However, the negative effects of masturbation are caused by psychological factors rather than physical factors. Therefore, read this blog post to know the positive and negative effects of masturbation on the brain.

Positive Effects of Masturbation On the Brain

Hormone and chemical release

After orgasm or masturbation, the body releases various hormones that cause positive effects on the brain. That includes.

  • Oxytocin: It is also known as a love hormone consisting of various psychological effects that improve sexual, social, and maternal behaviors associated with happiness. It also improves social interaction and well-being.
  • Dopamine: It is also known as the happy hormone. It is a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in many functions including reward, pleasure, mood, motivation, movement, and memory.
  • Endorphins: It is a neurotransmitter and hormone in the brain that acts as a natural painkiller. Overall, it helps in reducing pain and stress.
  • Serotonin: It is a chemical that carries messages throughout the body and between the nerve cells. It promotes quality sleep and also helps in mood regulation.
  • Prolactin: it helps with stress management, emotional regulation and physiological response to reproduction.
  • Norepinephrine/noradrenaline: It is a stimulating neurotransmitter of the brain that plays an essential role in dopamine transition.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

The release of good hormones like dopamine and oxytocin helps in reducing stress hormones like cortisol.

Better Sleep

Masturbation can help in better sleep for both men and women when they attain orgasm. The 2019 study says that most people fall asleep and get better sleep after orgasm, either with a partner and also after masturbating.

Reduced Pain

A natural painkiller hormone called Endorphins helps in reducing pain naturally after masturbation. It helps women by reducing menstrual pain. Also, a study in 2013 proved that sexual activity like masturbation helps with pain relief from some migraines and cluster headaches.

Improved Mood and Immune Functions

Prolactin and endocannabinoids levels are increased due to masturbation. These two help with improved immune functions. Also, masturbation increases the hormones associated with happiness like dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin, which improve the mood.

Improve sexual function

Masturbating can help you have better sex with your partner by helping you know how to have orgasms on your own. Also, the release of oxytocin and stimulating compounds can help in improving sexual function.

Reduced blood pressure

Sometimes, masturbation can reduce blood pressure in stressful situations. As masturbation releases stress, reducing hormones like dopamine, oxytocin, and prolactin.

Negative Effects of Masturbation on the brain

Masturbation does not directly affect the brain or memory. As you know, masturbation helps in alleviating stress, pain, and anxiety through the release of hormones and chemicals. But, masturbation causes negative effects on the brain or memory only when you are engaging it more than usual. They are,

  • Desensitization of the Brain: Masturbating too much can make the brain less sensitive to feeling good because the pleasure part of the brain gets used to the intense feeling. 
  • Guilt: People who are more likely to feel guilt after masturbating are the ones impacted by psychological problems. In most cases, men who feel guilt will go into depression.
  • Masturbation Addiction: Masturbation addiction and frequent masturbation(i.e., daily) could cause weakness, fatigue, early ejaculation.  Also, over masturbation may release prolactin at higher levels, which impacts the libido and decreases it. This increase in prolactin also may be more physiologically satisfying than intercourse. Thus, it reduces sexual function.

How Does Masturbation Affect Memory?

However, there is no proven data for masturbation effects on memory. In normal, Occasional masturbation does not affect memory. But, when masturbation is done often, then the release of dopamine, oxytocin, endorphins, and testosterone can affect the brain negatively. Research says that dopamine can affect the brain process called the hippocampus, which is responsible for adaptive memory. 

Does Masturbation Cause Brain Damage?

No, masturbation does not cause brain damage. Only excessive masturbation can cause guilt, depression, and other psychological problems. Occasional masturbation is not all bad from a health science point of view. Some people feel masturbation is bad for moral reasons. 


Masturbation is a sexual activity that has various health benefits, physically and psychologically. However, overdoing masturbation may have negative effects on the brain due to over release of happy hormones (dopamine, prolactin, oxytocin) and guilt that turns into depression. If you are addicted to masturbation, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare provider and go under pornography addiction recovery treatments.

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